Worship at University Methodist

Sunday Service Times in Safe Harbor Worship Center

8:30am – Traditional Worship
11:00am – Contemporary Worship
9:45am – Sunday School

The Upper Room devotional booklets can be picked   up in our church office Monday-Thursday from 9:00am – 1:00pm.

Sunday School Classes

The Branches

Ages 45+

1st Floor – Room 110

An adult group of caring, loving, welcoming Christians who strive to learn more about our Savior.

The Stonerollers

Ages 55+

1st Floor – Room 108

A class for women of all ages bound together in love. Their focus of study is the Bible, striving to meet both the intellectual and spiritual needs of its members.

The S.A.L.T.

Ages 16+

1st Floor – Room 109

An intergenerational group of men and women Seeking And Learning Together. A book study or video series is used weekly, and there is no pre-class reading or homework required.


Ages 30+

1st Floor – Room 104

A class made up of women and men of all ages. Many are parents or grandparents. The focus of the class is on the study of the Bible and its application to daily life.

United Rainbow

Ages 18+

1st Floor – Room 106

An adult class who welcome all who have known the pain of exclusion, discrimination, or marginalization by the church and society.


Ages 3-5th Grade


Children participate in age-appropriate activities and crafts to enhance their learning and understanding for God. Their classes are led by adult volunteers who use Bible stories and scripture to teach children about God’s love for everyone.